Yale Center for British Art

Gucht, Michael van der, 1660–1725
https://collections.britishart.yale.edu/catalog/tms:31832|Vera Effigies Viri Claries Edoardi Coke,. Equitis aurati nuper Capitalis Justiciarij and Placita coram rege tenenda assignati|after Michael van der Gucht

https://collections.britishart.yale.edu/catalog/tms:26077|General George Monck|after ? Michael van der Gucht

https://collections.britishart.yale.edu/catalog/tms:26153|Spencer Compton, Earl of Northampton|after ? Michael van der Gucht

https://collections.britishart.yale.edu/catalog/tms:70112|A View of Boscobel House & The White Ladies, with the Wood where King Charles II Concealed Himself after the Battle of Worcester|print made by Michael van der Gucht

https://collections.britishart.yale.edu/catalog/tms:70113|A View of Boscobel House & The White Ladies, with the Wood where King Charles II Concealed Himself after the Battle of Worcester|print made by Michael van der Gucht

https://collections.britishart.yale.edu/catalog/tms:70114|A View of Boscobel House & The White Ladies, with the Wood where King Charles II Concealed Himself after the Battle of Worcester|print made by Michael van der Gucht

https://collections.britishart.yale.edu/catalog/tms:70115|A View of Boscobel House & The White Ladies, with the Wood where King Charles II Concealed Himself after the Battle of Worcester|print made by Michael van der Gucht

https://collections.britishart.yale.edu/catalog/tms:34830|Richmond|print made by Michael van der Gucht