|A Dutch Barge and Merchantmen Running out of Rotterdam|Clarkson Stanfield|A Thames Barge running downwind off Tilbury Fort|Clarkson Stanfield|Castles of Rheinfels and Thurnberg on the Rhine|Clarkson Stanfield|Dutch Fishing Vessels by a Quay|Clarkson Stanfield|Isle of Wight and Kent Sketchbook|Clarkson Stanfield|Part of Waterloo Bridge with the Shot Tower, &c.|Clarkson Stanfield|The Blockade Station, Rye|Clarkson Stanfield|Verona|Clarkson Stanfield|Vesuvius in Eruption|Clarkson Stanfield|Ashbourne, Derbyshire|after Clarkson Stanfield|Château of Dieppe|after Clarkson Stanfield|Distant View of St. Michel|after Clarkson Stanfield|Edinburgh|after Clarkson Stanfield|Enfield, Outer Suburb North|after Clarkson Stanfield|Eul, Looking towards Triport|after Clarkson Stanfield|Fécamp|after Clarkson Stanfield|Greenwich Hospital|after Clarkson Stanfield|Harbour of St. Malo|after Clarkson Stanfield|Havre De Grace|after Clarkson Stanfield|Homeward Bound, Distant View of the Brill|after Clarkson Stanfield|Ional|after Clarkson Stanfield|Ional|after Clarkson Stanfield|Johnsonia|after Clarkson Stanfield|Johnsoniana|after Clarkson Stanfield|Lake of Como|after Clarkson Stanfield|Lichfield Cathedral|after Clarkson Stanfield|Lichfield Cathedral|after Clarkson Stanfield|Lichfield Cathedral|after Clarkson Stanfield|Mr. Thrale's House, Streatham|after Clarkson Stanfield|Mr. Thrale's House, Streatham|after Clarkson Stanfield|Mrs. Thrale's House, Streatham|after Clarkson Stanfield|None|after Clarkson Stanfield|Part of Waterloo Bridge with the Shot Tower and Company|after Clarkson Stanfield|Part of Waterloo Bridge with the Shot Tower, &c.|after Clarkson Stanfield|Part of Waterloo Bridge with the Shot Tower, &c.|after Clarkson Stanfield|Pembroke College, Oxford|after Clarkson Stanfield|St. Malo|after Clarkson Stanfield|St. Malo|after Clarkson Stanfield|The Grèves from the Summit of Mount St Michael|after Clarkson Stanfield|The Opening of New London Bridge|after Clarkson Stanfield|The Post Office & St. Paul's, from St. Martin's Le Grand|after Clarkson Stanfield|The Summer House at Streatham|after Clarkson Stanfield|The Summer House at Streatham|after Clarkson Stanfield|The Summer House at Streatham|after Clarkson Stanfield|The Tower of London from the Excavations for St. Katherine's Dock|after Clarkson Stanfield|The Works of the New London Bridge|after Clarkson Stanfield|Treport|after Clarkson Stanfield|Triport|after Clarkson Stanfield|View near Havre|after Clarkson Stanfield|View of Lichfield|after Clarkson Stanfield|View of Lichfield|after Clarkson Stanfield|View of Lichfield|after Clarkson Stanfield|View of Lichfield, The Birth Place of Dr. Samuel Johnson|after Clarkson Stanfield