|A Blow-up at Breakfast|Richard Newton|A Bugaboo!!!|Richard Newton|A Political Wil'O The Wisp|Richard Newton|A Present of a Haunch of Venison!|Richard Newton|A Proclamation in Lilliput|Richard Newton|A Reward for Past Services|Richard Newton|A Salt Water Salute|Richard Newton|A Saviour of the Nation between Two Thieves|Richard Newton|A Scots Concert!!!|Richard Newton|A Serious Thought of a Plain Englishman, in 1793|Richard Newton|A Shot at a Cock; or, An Alarm of Assassination|Richard Newton|A Sketch from Highlife|Richard Newton|A Visit to the Grandfather, How Do Grand Pa?|Richard Newton|A Visit to the R---l Cole Pit|Richard Newton|All of One Mind or a Mutual Agreement amongst Traveller|Richard Newton|An Astonishing Paragraph|Richard Newton|An Escape A La Francois!|Richard Newton|An Old Grudge|Richard Newton|An Old Maid, Treating a Favorite Cat to a Duck and Green Peas|Richard Newton|Arming in the Defence of the French Princes or the Parting of Hector and Andromache|Richard Newton|Beheading (untitled)|Richard Newton|British Servants, with Honesty and Fidelity - Against French Servants, with Perfidy and Impudence! (Four vignettes)|Richard Newton|Ca Ira - or John Bull studying the Graces!!---|Richard Newton|Canine Vengeance, or the, Effects of the Dog Tax|Richard Newton|Contributing to the Sinking Fund|Richard Newton|Crops Going to Quod|Richard Newton|Dainty Nice Sprats, Ho!|Richard Newton|Drink to me only with thine Eyes|Richard Newton|English Channel/ Both Sides of the Water|Richard Newton|Enjoying an Old Friend|Richard Newton|French Discernment; or, a Bumling Discovery!|Richard Newton|Friar Bacon and His Brazen Head|Richard Newton|Hibernian Sagacity and Sang Froid|Richard Newton|John Taylor, Verger to the Lodge of Black Friars, at the Fos, Bloomsbury most worthy Father - (') T-is Past Eleven O'Clock|Richard Newton|Louis Dethron'd; or Hell Broke Loose in Paris|Richard Newton|Meditations on a Jordan|Richard Newton|Michael driving Satan out of Paradise|Richard Newton|No Swallow without an Opening|Richard Newton|Opening the Ambassadors Ball in Paris|Richard Newton|Over Weight - or the Sinking Fund - or the Downfall of Faro|Richard Newton|Parsons Drowning Care|Richard Newton|Patriotism|Richard Newton|Pluck'd Pigeons|Richard Newton|Political Boxing; or an Attack, at the Woolsack|Richard Newton|Pot Luck|Richard Newton|Prelude to Crim Con and The Finale|Richard Newton|Prussian Bobadils, Returning to Berlin!!!!!!!|Richard Newton|Psalm Singing at the Chapel XXXXX (Royal)|Richard Newton|Pull Devil - Pull Parson|Richard Newton|Queen Catherine's Dream|Richard Newton|Retaliation!!!|Richard Newton|Retort Courteous or the Disloyal Address returned without Ceremony|Richard Newton|Scene in the Road to Ruin|Richard Newton|Scotch Fencibles|Richard Newton|Summer Amusement at Farmer G-----'s Near Windsor|Richard Newton|The Birth of Billy Bugaboo|Richard Newton|The Blue Devils!|Richard Newton|The Duke of Brunswick Attacking the Rear of the Sans Culottes|Richard Newton|The False Alarm|Richard Newton|The General Sentiment|Richard Newton|The Ins and Outs or the Jesuits treatment of his friends|Richard Newton|The In's and the Outs of the Jesuits Treatment of his Friends|Richard Newton|The Libertine Reclaim'd or John Bull Bullied|Richard Newton|The Misers Economy|Richard Newton|The Sailors and the Pounded Ass|Richard Newton|The Tar and the Jordan!|Richard Newton|The Thieves detected at Last, or - a Wonderful Discovery at Windsor Farm|Richard Newton|The Windsor Milkman or, Anything to turn a Penny|Richard Newton|Tricks upon Travellers|Richard Newton|A Clerical Alphabet|print made by Richard Newton|A Fete at Cum(berlan)d House; or the Comforts of an Uninhabited Mansion!!!|print made by Richard Newton|The Princess's Curtsey (Left)|print made by Richard Newton|The Princess's Curtsey (Right)|print made by Richard Newton|The World As It Goes|print made by Richard Newton