|Boats being loaded at jetty beside walled house.|Willem van de Velde the Elder|Cattle grazing on left river bank. Men walking towards houses on right river bank.|Willem van de Velde the Elder|Celebration on the Thames near Whitehall|Willem van de Velde the Elder|Horseman approaching cross or signpost by a ruined building. Track leads to house in distance.|Willem van de Velde the Elder|Ships and Militia by a Rocky Shore|Willem van de Velde the Elder|Sketch of a Man-O-War firing Guns|Willem van de Velde the Elder|Traveller approaching thatched cottages. Stake and bound fence on left.|Willem van de Velde the Elder|Travellers walking towards cottage with a fence. Two men fishing in a pond on right.|Willem van de Velde the Elder|Woman carrying two pails with aid of a yoke and walking between two hayfields. Cottages in the right hay field.|Willem van de Velde the Elder|Boats being loaded at jetty beside walled house.|after Willem van de Velde the Elder|Cattle grazing on left river bank. Men walking towards houses on right river bank.|after Willem van de Velde the Elder|Horseman approaching cross or signpost by a ruined building. Track leads to house in distance.|after Willem van de Velde the Elder|Marine Study No. 1|after Willem van de Velde the Elder|Marine Study No. 2|after Willem van de Velde the Elder|Marine Study No. 3|after Willem van de Velde the Elder|Marine Study No. 4|after Willem van de Velde the Elder|Seascape|after Willem van de Velde the Elder|The Sovereign of the Seas, Built 1637|after Willem van de Velde the Elder|Traveller approaching thatched cottages. Stake and bound fence on left.|after Willem van de Velde the Elder|Travellers walking towards cottage with a fence. Two men fishing in a pond on right.|after Willem van de Velde the Elder|Woman carrying two pails with aid of a yoke and walking between two hayfields. Cottages in the right hay field.|after Willem van de Velde the Elder|A Book of Sundry Prints|and Willem van de Velde the Elder