|A Summer Evening (Caernarfon Castle)|Richard Wilson|A View in Kew Gardens|Richard Wilson|A View of the Tiber with Rome in the Distance|Richard Wilson|An Underground Shrine with Two Figures Kneeling before a Pieta|Richard Wilson|Boxhill, Surrey|Richard Wilson|Caernarfon Castle|Richard Wilson|Castell Dinas Brân, Wales|Richard Wilson|Cicero's Villa and the Gulf of Pozzuoli|Richard Wilson|Dinas Bran from Llangollen|Richard Wilson|Dover|Richard Wilson|Gulliver Bound by the Lilliputians|Richard Wilson|Hadrian's Villa|Richard Wilson|Italian Landscape (Morning)|Richard Wilson|Italian Landscape with River Running Between High Wall at Left and High Bank at Right Towards a Small Town with Figures on the Banks|Richard Wilson|Italian Landscape with Three-Arched Bridge, Bridgehouse, Figures on near Bank, and Poplars on Farther Bank|Richard Wilson|Italian sketchbook|Richard Wilson|Kew Gardens: The Pagoda and Bridge|Richard Wilson|Lago d'Agnano with the Grotta del Cane|Richard Wilson|Lago d'Agnano with Vesuvius in the distance|Richard Wilson|Ponte delle Torri, Seen Through an Arch|Richard Wilson|Prince George and Prince Edward Augustus, Sons of Frederick, Prince of Wales, with Their Tutor Dr. Francis Ayscough|Richard Wilson|Riverside Scene with Figures, Hexagonal Building Left and Horse-Drawn Wagon Crossing Bridge at Right|Richard Wilson|Rome from the Villa Madama|Richard Wilson|Ruined Temple of Minerva?, Two Figures on River Bank|Richard Wilson|Sculpted Plinth in the Villa Medici|Richard Wilson|Shepherd Seated Under a Tree|Richard Wilson|Study of an Old Tree: Trunk and Creeper-Covered Roots|Richard Wilson|Study of Figures for "A View of the Campagna"|Richard Wilson|Temple of Minerva Medica, Rome|Richard Wilson|The Arbra Sacra on the Banks of Lake Nemi|Richard Wilson|The Cascade at Terni|Richard Wilson|The Destruction of the Children of Niobe|Richard Wilson|The Falls at Tivoli|Richard Wilson|The Via Nomentana|Richard Wilson|View near Wynnstay, the Seat of Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn, fourth Bt.|Richard Wilson|View of the Wilderness in St. James's Park|Richard Wilson|Wilton House from the Southeast|Richard Wilson|A View in the Villa Madama, near Rome, called II Teatro|after Richard Wilson|Banks of the Tiber|after Richard Wilson|Baths of Dioclesian|after Richard Wilson|Bridge and Ruin, after Richard Wilson; On the Tiber|after Richard Wilson|Bridge and Tower, after Richard Wilson|after Richard Wilson|Bridge of Augustus at Rimini|after Richard Wilson|Carnarvon Castle|after Richard Wilson|Castle of Ischia|after Richard Wilson|Celadon and Amelia|after Richard Wilson|Celadon and Amelia|after Richard Wilson|Ceyx and Alcyone|after Richard Wilson|Circus of Caracalla|after Richard Wilson|In the Strada Nomentana|after Richard Wilson|In the Villa Adriana|after Richard Wilson|Kilgarren Castle, South Wales|after Richard Wilson|Meleager and Atalanta|after Richard Wilson|Niobe|after Richard Wilson|On Hounslow Heath, Outer Suburb, West|after Richard Wilson|Pembroke Town and Castle|after Richard Wilson|Pompey's Bridge at Terni|after Richard Wilson|Ruin on a Lake, in the Manner of Richard Wilson|after Richard Wilson|Ruined Temple after Richard Wilson|after Richard Wilson|Snowden Hill|after Richard Wilson|Solitude|after Richard Wilson|Solitude|after Richard Wilson|Temple of Peace|after Richard Wilson|Temple of Romulus and Remus|after Richard Wilson|The Great Bridge over the Taafe|after Richard Wilson|The Summit of Cader Idris Mountain|after Richard Wilson|The Summit of Cader Idris Mountain|after Richard Wilson|Thomas Smith, Esq.|after Richard Wilson|Torre Delle Grotte near Naples|after Richard Wilson|Twelve Original Views in Italy|after Richard Wilson|Untitled|after Richard Wilson|Villa of Mæcenus at Tivoli|after Richard Wilson|Full-length Study of a Young Man|attributed to Richard Wilson|Three Figures Standing by Rocky Cliffs, Two Horsemen in Distance Left|copy after Richard Wilson|The Cave of the Cumean Sybil on the Shore of the Lake Avernus|formerly attributed to Richard Wilson|The Head of Lake Nemi|imitator of Richard Wilson|Italianate Landscape Composition|pupil of Richard Wilson