Yale Center for British Art

Kip, William
Angliae descpiptio [sic] [cartographic material] : in qua comitatuum et praecipuarum civitatum locus et paroeciarum numerus oculis inspiciendus exhibetur / W. Kip scul.
Published / Created:
[London] : H.W. exc., [ca. 1602]
Physical Description:
1 map ; 80 mm in diameter, on sheet 13 x 18 cm.
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Maps & Atlas (printed)
Scale [ca. 1:8,000,000] -- (W 6°30ʹ0ʺ--E 1°48ʹ0ʺ/N 55°53ʹ0ʺ--N 49°53ʹ0ʺ).
Roundel map of England and Wales. One of a series of five small roundel maps by Kip and Woutneel, executed ca. 1602. The other four comprise a world map, a Leo Belgicus map of the Low Countries, and maps of Europe and France. All five are copies of maps first executed by Jodocus Hondius in 1593. Kip's engravings vary in some details, such as lettering, the pictorial handling of sea areas, and depictions of ships and sea monsters.
Subject Terms:
England -- Maps. | Wales -- Maps.
Maps -- England -- 1602. | Maps -- Wales -- 1602. | Engravings -- Hand-colored -- 1602.
Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612. | Woutneel, Ioan, publisher.