Strong parte -- Gild paper -- Gilding knife -- To take stains out of marble -- To wash lace -- To recover the writing on parchment -- To make water colors stick on glass -- To keep cut flowers a long time -- To dye "Lilac" -- For polishing furniture -- To keep Geraniums all the winter in the open ground -- To polish a metal tea-pot -- Brown stout "Mrs. Elliot" -- Rule for remembering dates -- Fixing chalk drawing -- Sticking glass on China -- For dying patina colour, [illegible] yellow-blue, purple muslin -- For sticking paper -- For cleaning gilt ornaments -- For restoring green or lilac in silks &c. -- Silver ornaments (to keep) -- [illegible] -- Turpentine varnish -- Rout [?] cakes -- Colours used for a portrait at Dulwich -- Gum water.
Subject Terms:
Recipes -- Great Britain. | Workshop recipes -- Great Britain -- 19th century.