A catalogue of all the materials of the dwelling-house, out-houses, &c. of His Grace James Duke of Chandos : deceas'd, at his late seat call'd Cannons, near Edgware in Middlesex ... which will be sold by auction / by Mr. Cock, on Tuesday, the 16th of June 1747, and the eleven following days (at Cannons aforesaid).
Published / Created:
[London] : [Christopher Cock], [1747]
Physical Description:
60 pages ; 20 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Drop-head title.
Subject Terms:
Chandos, James Brydges, Duke of, 1674-1744 -- Catalogs. | Building materials -- Great Britain. | Architecture, Domestic -- Great Britain. | Personal belongings -- Catalogs. | House furnishings -- Catalogs.