"The hundredth book printed by the Golden Cockerel Press and completed on the 15th day of October, 1934, thirteen years after the foundaion of the Press. The type used is the Golden Cockerel Fount designed by Eric Gill; the paper is Batchelor Hand Made watermarked for the Press; the engravings by Blair Hughes-Stanton. By permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University, the text used is that edited by Dr. F.H.A. Scrivener. Compositors: A.H. Gibbs and E.J. Ward. Pressman: A. Curran. The edition is limited to 3 copies printed on vellum and 247 on paper."--Colophon.
Subject Terms:
Bible. Ecclesiastes | Gill, Eric, 1882-1940. | Golden Cockerel Press. | Private press books -- England -- London -- Specimens. | Gill, Eric, 1882-1940 | Golden Cockerel Press.