1 écran-panorama ; screen 24 x 21 cm, height 40 cm inclusive of wooden handle
Rare Books and Manuscripts
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"[The] 'panorama handscreen' or 'mechanical screen fan' ... was a French invention that appeared in the 1820s, and was sold at shops specializing in optical toys, jewelry, paintings, and fashionable furniture. One of the most famous was Giroux near the Palais-Royal ... Some surviving examples of the panorama handscreen bear the label of Giroux. It identifies the product as écran-panorma and mentions that it has been patented ..."--Huhtamo.
Subject Terms:
Theater -- France -- 19th century. | Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824. | Nodier, Charles, 1780-1844. Vampire. | Polidori, John William, 1795-1821. Vampyre.