ix, 214 pages : illustrations (some color), color map, plans (some color) ; 29 cm
Reference Library
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction / Jon Stobart -- The country house and cultures of consumption -- Section 1: Elites, consumption and the country house -- 1. Yme Kuiper / The rise of the country house in the Dutch Republic: beyond Johan Huizinga's narrative of Dutch civilisation in the 17th century -- 2. Jane Whittle / The gentry as consumers in early 17th-century England -- 3. Johanna Ilmakunnas / To build according to one's status: a country house in late 18th-century Sweden -- 4. Mark Rothery and Jon Stobart / Geographies of supply: Stoneleigh Abbey and Arbury Hall in the 18th century -- 5. Shelley Garland / The use of French architectural design books in De Grey's choice of style at Wrest Park -- Section 2: Continuity, heritage and the country house -- 6. Hannah Chavasse / Fashion and 'affectionate recollection': material culture at Audley End, 1762-1773 -- 7. Hanneke Ronnes / A sense of heritage: renewal versus preservation in the English and Dutch palaces of William III in the 18th century -- 8. Victor Hugo López Borges / An Anglo-Irish country house in Spain: the Palacio de Castrelos -- Section 3: Eastern connections, adoptions and imitations -- 9. Emile de Bruijn / Consuming East Asia: continuity and change in the development of chinoiserie -- 10. Kate Smith / Imperial objects? Country house interiors in 18th-century Britain -- 11. Patricia F Ferguson / 'Japan China' taste and elite ceramic consumption in 18th-century England: revising the narrative -- 12. Helen Clifford / 'Conquests from North to South': The Dundas property empire. New wealth, constructing status and the role of 'India' goods in the British country house -- Section 4: Country house interiors as lived spaces -- 13. Rosie MacArthur / Settling into the country house: the Hanburys at Kelmarsh Hall -- 14. Susan Jenkins / Fashion and function: the decoration of the library at Kenwood in context -- 15. Karol Mullaney-Dignam / Useless and extravagant? The consumption of music in the Irish country house -- 16. Annie Gray / Broccoli, bunnies and beef: supplying the edible wants of the Victorian country house -- Section 5: Presenting the country house -- 17. Nicola Pickering / Mayer Amschel de Rothschild and Mentmore Towers: displaying 'le goût Rothschild' -- 18. Anna McEvoy / Following in the footsteps of 18th-century tourists: the visitor experience at Stowe over 300 years -- 19. Karen Fielder / X marks the spot: narratives of a lost country house.
Subject Terms:
Material culture -- England -- History. | Material culture -- Europe -- History. | Country homes -- England -- History. | Country homes -- Europe -- History. | Gentry -- England -- History. | Gentry -- Europe -- History. | Great Britain -- Social life and customs. | Country homes. | Gentry. | Manners and customs. | Material culture. | England. | Great Britain. | Ständegesellschaft. | Konsumgut. | Architektur. | Ausstattung. | Herrenhaus. | Kunsthandwerk. | Sachkultur. | Europa. | Grande-Bretagne.