Yale Center for British Art
In loving memory of Mary Ann, widow of the late Thomas Bowes, Snilesworth : who died at Brewster Bill, Ardenside, on November 6th, 1944 : aged 83 years.
Published / Created:
England, 1944.
Physical Description:
1 folded card : illustrations ; 80 x 120 mm
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Folded memorial card for Mary Ann Bowes. Black and silver borders on front and back. Text is within black border inside. Botanical illustration on front cover: In memorian.
Subject Terms:
Bowes, Mary Ann, -1944. | Death. | Grief. | Great Britain -- Social life and customs. | Mourning customs -- Great Britain.
Memorials (Commemorative) | Memorial cards. | Ephemera.