Yale Center for British Art

Indenture placing John Dikes into the service of John Morris, joiner.
Alternate Title(s):
This indenture witnesseth, that John Dikes ...
Published / Created:
England, 1740 October 6.
Physical Description:
1 sheet ([1] page) : illustrations ; 33 x 21 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Public Domain
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Archives & Manuscripts
"This indenture witnesseth that [John Dikes], one of the poor [boys] of the charity-school [commonly called the Blue Coat School in the Parish of St. Margaret, Westminster, in the county of Middlesex] doth put h[im]self apprentice to [John Morris of the Parish of St. John the Evangelist, joiner] to learn h[is] art, and with h[im] after the manner of an apprentice to serve from the day of the date hereof, unto the full end and term of [seven] years ... And the said M[aster], (in consideration of the sum of [five] pounds paid to [him] ... ) ... shall teach and instruct, or cause to be taught and instructed, finding unto his said apprentice, meat drink apparel, lodging, washing, and all other necessaries ... In witness thereof, the parties abovenamed to these indentures interchangeably have put their hands and seals the [sixth] day of [October], Anno Dom. 17[40] ... [Memorandm. And it is further covenanted & agreed that the sd. Master shall find and provide for his sd. apprentice one complete suite of new cloths both of linnen and woolen at the expiration of the sd. term. John Morris."
Subject Terms:
Morris, John (Joiner) | Dikes, John, born ca. 1730. | George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820 -- Portraits. | London (England). Blewcoat School. | Joiners -- England -- London. | Charity-schools -- England -- London. | Apprentices -- England -- London. | Indentured servants -- England -- London.
Blank forms. | Engravings. | Indentures.
Morris, John (Joiner) | Dikes, John, born ca. 1730.