BEIN ZZi 1543: Capitals supplied in colors; running titles supplied in manuscript in blue and red; rubricated. Manuscript annotations; a few omissions in text supplied in manuscript; old writing on lining papers of v. 1. Some wormholes, stains, and margins mended. Binding of old stamped leather over wooden boards. Ownership note of "B. Mariæ virg. in Wettenhausen," and stamp "Königliches Staats-Eigenthum." 53 lines on v. 1, f. ... (B.M. f. 58 a is a mistake). For fuller description see collation leaf in volume.
Subject Terms:
Theology, Doctrinal -- Early works to 1800. | B. Maria virg. in Wettenhausen -- Inscription. | Königliches Staats-Eigenthum -- Stamp. | Werther, Frederick, 1881- -- Ownership. | Incunabula in Yale Library.