Foreword -- David Hockney: current / Simon Maidment -- Selected iPhone and iPad drawings -- David Hockney: in conversation / Li Bowen -- Yosemite -- David Hockney: radical traditionalist / Martin Gayford -- Arrival of spring -- David Hockney: from photography to drawing and back / Barbara Bolt -- Photographic drawings and multipoint perspective -- Where do I end and they begin? / Edith Devaney -- Portraits -- Catalogue raisonne: iPhone and iPad drawings -- Notes -- Acknowledgements and contributors.
Subject Terms:
Hockney, David -- Exhibitions. | Painting, British -- 21st century -- Exhibitions. | Art, British -- 21st century -- Exhibitions. | Art, Modern -- 21st century. | Artists -- Great Britain. | Hockney, David, 1937- | Computerkunst. | Malerei. | Hockney, David. | Art, British. | Art, Modern. | Artists. | Painting, British. | Great Britain.
Exhibition catalogs.
Maidment, Simon. | Bolt, Barbara (Professor of art) | Bowen, Li. | Devaney, Edith. | Gayford, Martin, 1952- | National Gallery of Victoria, publisher, presenter.