Yale Center for British Art
Sweet, Robert, 1783-1835
Flora Australasica, or, A selection of handsome, or curious plants, natives of New Holland, and the South Sea Islands : containing coloured figures and descriptions of some of the choicest species most proper for the conservatory or greenhouse, and many of which will endure the cold of our climate, in the open air, with a very little protection; with magnified dissections of their most essential parts, their names, descriptions, & a full account of the best method of cultivation and propagation : the greater part are handsome evergreen shrubs, and may produce sweet-scented flowers; and as they are generally of free growth, and easily managed, they may be considered as the most desirable plants for cultivation : in one volume / by Robert Sweet, F.L.S. author of Hortus Suburbanus Londoniensis, Hortus Britannicus, Botanical cultivator, The British flower garden, Geraniaceæ, Cistineæ, The florist's guide, The British warblers, &c. ; the drawings by E.D. Smith, F.L.S. botanical artist.
Alternate Title(s):
Selection of handsome, or curious plants, natives of New Holland, and the South Sea Islands
Published / Created:
London : James Ridgway, 169, Piccadilly, 1827-28.

London : Tilling, Printer, Grosvenor row, Chelsea,
Physical Description:
[114] pages, 56 leaves of plates : illustrations ; 27 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Public Domain
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View a selection of digital images in the Yale Center for British Art's online catalogue https://collections.britishart.yale.edu/catalog/orbis:13347416
Engravings by S. Watts; after E.D. Smith.
Subject Terms:
Botany -- Australia. | Botany -- Oceania. | Botany -- Australia -- Pictorial works. | Botany -- Oceania -- Pictorial works. | Horticulture -- Great Britain.
Engravings -- Hand-colored -- 1827-1828.
Smith, Edwin Dalton, 1800- artist. | Watts, S. (Stephen), active 19th century, engraver. | Ridgway, James, publisher. | Tilling, John, printer.