Yale Center for British Art

Parr, Martin, 1952-
Think of Scotland / Martin Parr.
Published / Created:
[Bologna] : Damiani, [2017]
Physical Description:
138 pages : color illustrations ; 32 cm
Reference Library
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Martin Parr: Think of Scotland collects Scotish images together for the first time on the occasion of his solo exhibition at the newly reopened Aberdeen Art Gallery. In Think of Scotland, readers can find the expected visual iconography of Scotland--the Highland Games, the stunning landscapes, the bagpipers--but all given that unique Parr twist that transforms the expected and the banal into something outlandish and unfamiliar--Amazon.com.
Subject Terms:
Parr, Martin, 1952- -- Exhibitions. | Photography, Artistic -- Exhibitions. | Documentary photography -- 21st century -- Exhibitions. | Scotland -- Description and travel -- Exhibitions. | Scotland -- Pictorial works -- Exhibitions. | Parr, Martin, 1952- | Parr, Martin, 1952- | Documentary photography. | Photography, Artistic. | Travel. | Scotland.
Exhibition catalogs. | Exhibition, pictorial works.