Title: Embroidery : the language of art. Published / Created: [Winterthur, Delaware] : Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library, [2016] Physical Description: 39 pages : color illustrations ; 22 cm Collection: Reference Library Copyright Status: Copyright Not Evaluated Classification: Books Notes: "This publication accompanies the exhibition on view in the Winterthur Galleries May 7, 2016-January 8, 2017. Co-curators: Linda Eaton, Lea Lane, and Roberta Weisberg"--Page [40]. Subject Terms: Embroidery -- Exhibitions. | Needlework -- Exhibitions. | Samplers -- Exhibitions. | Embroidery -- Philosophy. | Handicraft -- Philosophy. | Embroidery. | Needlework. | Samplers. | United States. Contributors: Eaton, Linda. | Lane, Lea. | Weisberg, Roberta. | Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum.