A catalogue of all the finished drawings in water colours, by John Glover, Esq. : so eminently distinguished for his great superiority in that department of the art, consisting of many of his most magnificent and favorite productions, hitherto reserved by him as the finest specimens of his talents : abounding in the romantic and beautiful scenery of the mountains and lakes of England, Scotland, Wales, and Switzerland : which it is acknowledged he portrays with a fidelity that rivals nature : and with these will be found, numerous Claude-like Italian views, highly interesting for their classical characters, their sweetness and amenity : also, the remainder of his paintings in oil, rich beyond example in those fairy scenes of lochs and glens, of woods and mountains, enriched with gleams of sun-shine, in which the artist so remarkably excels : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Stanley, at his rooms, 21, Old Bond Street, on Tuesday the 18th of May, 1830, and following day, at twelve o'clock.
Getty provenance index databases, sale catalog Br-3502
Subject Terms:
Glover, John, 1767-1849 -- Art collections -- Catalogs. | Art auctions -- England -- London -- Catalogs. | Art -- Private collections -- Great Britain -- Catalogs. | Painting, British -- Catalogs. | Northwick, John Rushout, Baron, 1770-1859 -- Bookplate.
Auction catalogs.
Glover, John, 1767-1849, artist. | Walton and Mitchell, printer.