1 album (58 cartes de visite) : albumen prints ; 16 x 23 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Bound in contemporary blind-stamped morocco with gilt clasps, the locking sections now missing. Red and gilt fleur-de-lis motifs to the edges of the book block.
1. Lady Pelham. Lord Pelham -- 2. Mr. Fred Thomas -- 3. Mr. & Mrs. Goring (2) -- 4. Mr. Nevill Ward. Miss Ward -- 5. Miss Ward, now Mrs. Phips. Miss Grace Ward. -- 6. Mrs. G. [illegible]. Mr. Ingham, Mr. Blencowe, both dead, by Slater of Berwick (?) -- 7. Mrs. Ausin. Revd. J.H. Austin -- 8. Miss Hawley, now Mrs. Cam[illegible]. Mrss M. Hawley -- 9. Lady Lucy Dundas. Mrs. Malcolm -- 10. Mr. Knapp. Lord Carrisford. -- 11. Lady Danley [?]. Reginald Thomas -- 12. Fred Thomas. Revd. Arthur Thomas -- 13. Coll. Thomas. Revd. C.E. Thomas -- 14. Fanny. Mary. -- 15. [illegible] Knapp. Mrs. Knapp -- 16. Knapp. Mrs. Knapp, died Augst. 12th 1879 -- 17. Mr. W.B. Wrighton. Mrs. Wrightson -- 18. Mrs. Champagne. Champagne -- 19. Blanche, now Mrs. Wetherall & Mary now Mrs. Phillips. Miss Blanche Champagne, now Mrs. Wetherall -- 20. Henry Gage. Mrs. Gage -- 21. Mr. Tomlin. Mrs. Tomlin -- 22. Miss Amy Gage. Coll. Edd. Gage, now Genl. Gage -- 23. Lady Belper. Miss Amy Gage ... & Miss M. Gage, now Mrs. Gladstone -- 24. Frederick Dundas. James Brown -- 25. Pack Beresford. Adml. Keppel. R.N. -- 26. F. Cavendishs' edlest son. Francis Cavendish -- 27. Charles Cavendish. George Cavendish -- 28. Miss Green (?), now Mrs. Streatfield. Philip Green, married Lady Camden -- 29. Miss Falcon. Miss D'Oyly -- 30. Mr. [John Samuel] Enys. Mrs. [Catherine] Enys -- Endpaper: [Photograph of John Samuel Enys, with horse]
Subject Terms:
Enys, John Samuel, 1796-1872. | Enys, Catherine, 1813-1893. | Great Britain. Army -- Officers -- Portraits. | Politicians -- Great Britain -- Portraits. | Crimean War, 1853-1856.