Beardsley's illustrations for 'Le morte d'Arthur' reproduced in facsimile from the Dent edition of 1893-94 / arranged by Edmund V. Gillon, Jr.
Published / Created:
New York : Dover Publications ; 1972.London : Constable, 1972.
Physical Description:
xiii, 171 p. : chiefly ill. ; 28 cm.
Reference Library
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
"Includes the complete art and selected pages of text of Sir Thomas Malory "Le morte d'Arthur" originally published by J.M. Dent & Co. in London in 1893-1894"--T.p. verso.
Subject Terms:
Malory, Thomas, Sir, active 15th century. Morte d'Arthur -- Illustrations. | Illustrated books: Morte d'Arthur by Malory, Sir Thomas, 1893-1894 Illustrations Beardsley, Aubrey Reproductions
Gillon, Edmund Vincent. | Malory, Thomas, Sir, active 15th century. Morte d'Arthur.