The Ghent Altarpiece : research and conservation of the interior: the Lower Register / main authors, Griet Steyaert, Marie Postec, Jana Sanyova, Hélène Dubois ; with observations, research and documents by Kathleen Froyen [and twenty others].
Published / Created:
Brussels : Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, 2021.
Eyck, Jan van, 1390-1440. Ghent altarpiece -- Conservation and restoration. | Eyck, Jan van, 1390-1440. Ghent altarpiece. | Eyck, Jan van, 1390-1440. | Eyck, Hubert van, 1366-1426. | Art -- Conservation and restoration -- Belgium -- Ghent. | Eyck, Hubert van, 1366-1426. | Eyck, Jan van, 1390-1440. | Ghent altarpiece (Eyck, Jan van) | Art -- Conservation and restoration. | Conservation and restoration. | Belgium -- Ghent.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Eyck, Hubert van, 1366-1426. | Eyck, Jan van, 1390-1440. | Postec, Marie, author. | Sanyova, Jana, author. | Dubois, Hélène, author. | Froyen, Kathleen, contributor.