- Creator:
- Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673
- Title:
- Novum ac magnum theatrum urbium Belgicae liberae ac foederatae / ad praesentis temporis faciem expressum a Ioanne Blaeu, Amstelaedamensi.
- Alternate Title(s):
- Novvm ac magnvm theatrvm vrbivm Belgicae liberae ac foederatae
- Published / Created:
- [Amsterdam] : [Joan Blaeu], [1649]
- Physical Description:
- 1 atlas ([492] pages) : illustrations, maps, plans ; 53 cm
- Collection:
- Rare Books and Manuscripts
- Copyright Status:
- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Classification:
- Maps & Atlas (printed)
- Scale:
- Scales differ.
- Notes:
- Relief shown pictorially.
- Subject Terms:
- Cities and towns -- Netherlands. | Netherlands -- Description and travel. | Netherlands -- Defences -- Maps. | Netherlands -- History. | Lisburne, Ernest Augustus Malet Vaughan, Earl of, 1836-1888
- Form/Genre:
- Atlases. | Views.