Title: Debrett's peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland. Edition: 15th edition / considerably improved. Published / Created: London : Printed by G. Woodfall for C. and J. Rivington, 1825. Physical Description: 2 volumes (cliv, 1308 pages) : illustrations, coats of arms, portrait ; 17 cm Collection: Rare Books and Manuscripts Copyright Status: Copyright Not Evaluated Classification: Books Notes: Previous edition: The peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland. - 1822-1823. Contents: Vol. 1. England -- v. 2. Scotland and Ireland Subject Terms: Baronetage -- Directories. | Baronetage -- Ireland -- Directories. | Gentry -- Great Britain -- Directories. | Gentry -- Ireland -- Directories. | Knights and knighthood -- Great Britain -- Directories. | Knights and knighthood -- Ireland -- Directories. | Nobility -- Great Britain -- Directories. | Nobility -- Ireland -- Directories. | Devices (Heraldry) -- Great Britain -- Directories. | Devices (Heraldry) -- Ireland -- Directories. | Baronetage. | Devices (Heraldry) | Gentry. | Knights and knighthood. | Nobility. | Great Britain. | Ireland. | Gunnis, Rupert -- Bookplate. Form/Genre: Directories. | Wood engravings -- 1825. Contributors: C. & J. Rivington, publisher. | Woodfall, George, 1767-1844, printer. | Debrett, John, -1822. Peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland.