Virginia richly valued, by the description of the maine land of Florida, her next neighbour : out of the four yeeres continuall trauell and discouerie, for aboue one thousand miles east and west, of Don Ferdinando de Soto, and sixe hundred able men in his companie. Wherin are truly oserued the riches and fertilitie of those parts, abounding with things necessarie, pleasant, and profitable for the life of man: with the natures and dispositions of the inhabitants / Written by a Portugall gentleman of Eluas, emploied in all the action, and translated out of Portugese by Richard Hakluyt.
Alternate Title(s):
Discouerie of Florida, next adioyning to Virginia
Published / Created:
At London : Printed by Felix Kyngston for Matthew Lownes, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bishops head in Pauls Churchyard, 1609.
Physical Description:
[8], 180 p. ; 18 cm. (4to)
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
BEIN C14 109g copy 2: Imperfect: some running titles bled.
Exhibition History:
Wilde Americk - Discovery and Exploration of the New World, 1500-1850 (Yale Center for British Art, 2001-09-27 - 2001-09-27)
Subject Terms:
Soto, Hernando de, ca. 1500-1542. | Florida -- History -- To 1565. | Florida -- History -- Spanish colony, 1565-1763. | America -- Discovery and exploration -- Spanish -- Early works to 1800. | Virginia -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775. | Hoe, Robert, 1839-1909 -- Bookplate (BEIN Taylor 243) | Robinson, Charles Leonard Frost, d. 1916 -- Bookplate (BEIN Taylor 243) | McCoy, James Comly, 1862-1934 -- Bookplate (BEIN Taylor 243) | Barlow, Samuel L. M. (Samuel Latham Mitchill), 1826-1889 -- Bookplate (BEIN)