Proposals for publishing by subscription, in the course of the next spring, in one volume quarto, accompanied with seventeen plates, An Account and explanation of the paintings and other ornaments and decorations, discovered in the month of September last on the walls of the present House of Commons : including also, besides the history of these decorations and the building itself, a variety of original particulars as to the ancient state of the City of Westminster, and the Palace and other buildings there : and the principles and history of painting and Gothic architecture / by John Sidney Hawkins, Esq. F.A.A. ; the plates engraven by Mr. John Thomas Smith, from drawings made by himself on the spot.
Alternate Title(s):
Docket title: Proposals for publishing by subscription an account of the paintings lately discovered in the House of Commons
Published / Created:
London : T. Bensley, printer, Bolt Court, Fleet Street, London, [1800]
Physical Description:
7, [1] pages ; 27 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Subject Terms:
Smith, John Thomas, 1766-1833. Antiquities of Westminster. | Book industries and trade -- Great Britain. | Westminster Palace (London, England) -- Art collections. | Smith, John Thomas -- Presentation inscription to Townsend.
Bensley, Thomas, approximately 1760-1835, printer.