The engraved works, of Sir Joshua Reynolds; a catalogue raisonné of the engravings made after his paintings from 1755-1822, with descriptions of the states of each plate, biographical sketches of the persons represented, a list of pictures which have been engraved, names of the possessors, and other particulars.
Alternate Title(s):
Catalogue raisonné of the engraved works of Sir Joshua Reynolds
New, enl. ed. with addition of plates and an index.
Published / Created:
Amsterdam, G. W. Hissink [1973]
Physical Description:
vii, 200 p. illus. 23 cm.
Reference Library
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Reprint of the London, 1884 ed., published under title: A catalogue raisonné of the engraved works of Sir Joshua Reynolds.