Yale Center for British Art

Gascoigne, George, -1577
The noble arte of venerie or hunting : VVherein is handled and set out the vertues, nature, and properties of fiueteene sundrie chaces together, with the order and maner how to hunte and kill euery one of them. Translated and collected for the pleasure of all noblemen and gentlemen, out of the best approued authors, which haue written any thing concerning the same: and reduced into such order and proper termes as are vsed here, in this noble realme of England. The contents vvhereof shall more playnely appeare in the page next followyng.
Alternate Title(s):
Booke of hunting
Published / Created:
[London] : Imprinted by Henry Bynneman, for Christopher Barker, [1575]
Physical Description:
[10], 202, 359-362, 205-248, [4] p. : ill. (music) ; 19 cm. (4to)
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Public Domain
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BEIN 1978 236: Bound with Turberville, G. The booke of faulconrie or hauking, London, 1575. Bookplate of John Wayland Leslie.
Subject Terms:
Hunting -- Great Britain. | Hunting -- Early works to 1800. | Hunting -- Pictorial works. | Leslie, John Wayland -- Bookplate. | Schwerdt, C. F. G. R. (Charles Francis George Richard), 1862-1939 -- Bookplate (BAC RB) | Riviere & Son -- Binder (BAC RB)
Fouilloux, Jacques du, 1521?-1580. | Turberville, George, 1540?-1610? | Barker, Christopher, 1529-1599, printer. | Bynneman, Henry, d. 1583, publisher.