The Torrington diaries : containing the tours through England and Wales of the Hon. John Byng (later fifth viscount Torrington) between the years 1781 and 1794 / edited, with an introduction, by C. Bruyn Andrews and with a general introduction by John Beresford.
Published / Created:
London : Eyre & Spottiswoode (Publishers), LTD., 1934-38.
Torrington, John Byng, 5th viscount, 1742?-1813 -- Diaries. | Great Britain -- Description and travel. | Great Britain -- Social life and customs. | Manners and customs. | Travel. | Great Britain.
Andrews, Cyril Bruyn, 1885-1948, editor, writer of introduction. | Beresford, John, 1888-1940, writer of introduction.