London, past and present : its history, associations, and traditions / by Henry B. Wheatley ; based upon the Handbook of London, by the late Peter Cunningham.
Published / Created:
London : John Murray, 1891.
Physical Description:
3 v. ;c 25 cm.
Reference Library
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
BEIN 1997 +82: Bound 3 v. in 6. Extra-illustrated copy. Ms. note (in two hands) mounted in v. 1 reads "Contains 375 prints, coloured & uncoloured, including those by Ackerman. I should say more have been added." Plates removed from v., and placed in box (BEIN 1997 +83). Bookplate of Theodore Radford F. Thomson. Binder's stamp: Morrell.
Subject Terms:
London (England) -- Gazetteers. | London (England) -- History. | London (England) -- Antiquities. | Thomson, T. R. (Theodore Radford), 1897- -- Bookplate.