The fable of the bees: or, Private vices, publick benefits. By Bernard Mandeville. With a commentary critical, historical, and explanatory by F.B. Kaye ...
Published / Created:
London ; Oxford University Press, 1957.New York : Oxford University Press, 1957.
Physical Description:
2 v. front., facsims., geneal. tab. 23 cm.
Reference Library
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
With reproductions of original title-pages.
v. 1. Prefatory note. Introduction: Life of Mandeville. History of the text. Mandeville's thought. The background. Mandeville's influence. The fable of the bees. Pt. I.--v. 2. The fable of the bees. Pt. II. Appendixes: Mandeville's family (with genealogical table) Description of the editions. Criticisms of the fable. A list, chronologically arranged, of references to Mandeville's works. Index to commentary.