Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain : engraved from authentic pictures in the galleries of the nobility and the public collections of the country : with biographical and historical memoirs of their lives and actions / by Edmund Lodge.
Published / Created:
London : Harding and Lepard, 1835.
Physical Description:
12 v. in 6 : ill. ; 32 cm.
Reference Library
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Illustrations by T.A. Dean, Thomas Wright, Charles Picart, Robert Cooper, Ecward Scriven, Samuel Freeman, H. Robinson, William Holl, James Thomson, William Thomas Fry, John Cochran, Henry Thomas Rydall, W. Freeman, T, Blood, J. Jenkins, G. Kellaway, J. Parker, John Samuel Agar, Henry R. Cook, G. Parker, J. Pofselwhite, William Henry Mote, Peter Lightfoot; after Hans Holbein, Titian, Mark Gerard, Auguste Emile Flick, Sir Antonio Moore, Cornelis Ketel, Federico Zuccheri, Nicholas Hilliard, Pantoxa, Jensen, Daniel Mytens, Van Somer, Michiel Jansz van Miereveld, Sir Anthony Van Dyke, Rubens, Walker, Honthorst, Lely, P. Oliver, Knapton, Van Loo, Charles Jervas, Ramsay, Richard Colt Hoare, Reynolds, Francis Cotes, George Dance, Rosalba, Gainsborough, John Hoppner, Copley, John Opie, John Abbot, Alfred Edward Chalon, Lawrence, and Knight.
Subject Terms:
Great Britain -- Biography -- Portraits. | Nobility -- Great Britain. | Portraits, British. | Harding and Lepard -- Publisher.
Mezzotints -- 1835. | Stipple engravings -- 1835.
Dean, T. A., engraver. | Wright, Thomas, engraver. | Picart, Charles, approximately 1780-approximately 1837, engraver. | Scriven, Edward, 1775-1841, engraver. | Freeman, Samuel, 1773-1857, engraver. | Robinson, H., engraver. | Cooper, Robert, active 1795-1836, engraver. | Holl, William, 1771-1838, engraver. | Thomson, James, 1788-1850, engraver. | Fry, William Thomas, 1789-1843, engraver. | Cochran, John, engraver. | Rydall, Henry Thomas, 1811-1867, engraver. | Purple Heather, engraver. | Blood, T., fl. 1809-1823, engraver. | Jenkins, J., engraver. | Kellaway, G., engraver. | Parker, J., engraver. | Agar, John Samuel, approximately 1770-approximately 1835, engraver. | Cook, Henry R., engraver. | Parker, G., engraver. | Pofselwhite, J., engraver. | Mote, William Henry, engraver. | Cochran, J., engraver. | Lightfoot, Peter, 1805-1885, engraver. | Holbein, Hans, 1497?-1543, ill. | Titian, approximately 1488-1576, ill. | Gerard, Mark, ill. | Flick, Auguste Emile, ill. | Moore, Antonio, Sir, ill. | Ketel, Cornelis, 1548-1616, ill. | Zuccheri, Federico, 1540-1609, ill. | Hilliard, Nicholas, 1547?-1619, ill. | Pantoja de la Cruz, Juan, 1553-1608, ill. | Jansen, ill. | Mytens, Daniel, 1590-1648, ill. | Van Somer, ill. | Miereveld, Michiel Jansz van, ill. | Van Dyck, Anthony, 1599-1641, ill. | Rubens, Peter Paul, 1577-1640, ill. | Walker, ill. | Honthorst, Gerrit van, 1590-1656, ill. | Lely, Peter, 1618-1680, ill. | Oliver, P., ill. | Knapton, ill. | Van Loo, ill. | Jervas, Charles, approximately 1675-1739, ill. | Ramsay, ill. | Hoare, Richard Colt, Sir, 1758-1838, ill. | Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792, ill. | Cotes, Francis, 1726-1770, ill. | Dance, George, 1741-1825, ill. | Rosalba, 1675-1757, ill. | Gainsborough, Thomas, 1727-1788, ill. | Hoppner, John, 1758-1810, ill. | Copley, John Singleton, approximately 1738-1815, ill. | Opie, John, 1761-1807, ill. | Rivers, J. A. (John Abbot), ill. | Chalon, Alfred Edward, 1780-1860, ill. | Knight, ill.