Yale Center for British Art

Essays on the eighteenth century, presented to David Nichol Smith in honour of his seventieth birthday.
Published / Created:
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1945.
Physical Description:
vi, 288 p. front. (port.) 23 cm.
Reference Library
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Bibliographical foot-notes.
Addison, by C. S. Lewis--The conciseness of Swift, by Herbert Davis--Deane Swift, Hawkesworth, and The journal to Stella, by Harold Williams--Pope at work, by George Sherburn--The inspiration of Pope's poetry, by John Butt--'Where once stood their plain homely dwelling', by Collins Baker--Some aspects of eighteenth-century prose, by James Sutherland--Note on the composition of Gray's Elegy, by H. W. Garrod--John Langhorne, by Hugh Macdonald--Notes on some lesser poets of the eighteenth century, by W. L. Renwick--The formal parts of Johnson's letters, by R. W. Chapman--Mrs. Piozzi's letters, by James L. Clifford--The power of memory in Boswell and Scott, by F. A. Pottle--Robert Burns, by R. Dewar--Fanny Burney's novels, by Lord David Cecil--Elegant extracts, by Edmund Blunden--'The old Cumberland beggar' and the Wordsworthian unities, by H. V. D. Dyson--Matthew Arnold and eighteenth-century poetry, by Geoffrey Tillotson--A list of the writings of David Nichol Smith, 1896-1945, compiled by F. P. Wilson (p. 274-283)
Subject Terms:
Smith, David Nichol, 1875-1962. | English literature -- 18th century -- History and criticism. | Hilles, Frederick Whiley, 1900- -- Provenance (BAC,Ref)