Yale Center for British Art

Lear, Edward, 1812-1888
Book of nonsense.
Published / Created:
[London] : Published Feb. 10, 1846, by Thos. McLean, 26, Haymarket, [1846]
Physical Description:
2 volumes ([74] leaves) : illustrations ; 15 x 22 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Originally published in two parts, each part with identical illustrated title pages. The same illustration is used on the cover title to each part, where the title is additionally printed in white and followed by a statement of responsibility "By Derry Down Derry."
Subject Terms:
Nonsense verses, English. | Hornby, Gertrude Mary Augusta, b. 1842 -- Presentation inscription from R. A. H. | Hornby, Ellinor Georgina Catherine, 1834-1910 -- Presentation inscription from R. A. H. | Hornby, Edmund Geoffrey Stanley, b. 1839 -- Presentation inscription from R. A. H. | Hornby, Charlotte Louisa Jane, b. 1836 -- Presentation inscription from R. A. H. | Hornby, Victoria Susan, 1837-1906 -- Presentation inscription from R. A. H. | Hornby, R. A. -- Pres. insc. to Ellinor, Charlotte, Susan, Ghita, and Edmund Hornby. | Kerr, John Manners -- Bookplate.
Armorial bookplates (Provenance) | Limericks. | Lithographs -- 1846.
McLean, T. (Thomas), publisher.