Six of Her Majesty's pictures / drawn and engraved from the originals of Paulo Veronese, Jac. Tintoreto, Old Palma, Jul. Romano, and Andr. Shiavone ; in the royal galleries of Windsor and Kensington ; are most humbly dedicated to Her most excellent and sacred Majesty, Anne (by the Grace of God) Queen of Great Britain, France, and Ireland ... ; by Her Majesty's most humble and faithful subject, Sim. Gribelin.
Published / Created:
[London] : ...Sold by him, at the corner-house of Banbury Court in Long Acre [Simon Gribelin], 1712.
Physical Description:
[1], [6] leaves : all ill ; 33 x 40 cm.
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Subject Terms:
Veronese, 1528-1588. Wise men make their offerings to Christ and worship him. | Tintoretto, 1518-1594. Muses in consort with their proper symbols. | Tintoretto, 1518-1594. Esther fainting, King Ahasuerus comforts her. | Palma, il Vecchio, 1480?-1528. Shepherds offering gifts to Christ. | Romano, Giulio, 1499-1546. Jupiter at his birth is privily conveyed from Saturnus. | Medulić, Andrija, 1500 (ca.)-1563. Midas preferring Pan to Apollo. | Stuart, House of -- Art collections. | Gribelin, Simon -- Publisher. | Painting, Italian -- Private collections. | Engraving -- Specimens -- 1712.