The picture of London for 1807 : being a correct guide to all the curiosities, amusements, exhibitions, public establishments, and remarkable objects, in and near London : with a collection of appropriate tables, two large maps, and several views.
The eighth edition.
Published / Created:
London : Printed by Lewis and Hamblin for Richard Phillips, [1807].
Physical Description:
xi, [1], 420 p. ; 15 cm.
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
BAC : British Art Center copy imperfect: maps and views are wanting.
Subject Terms:
Boyes, James -- Pres. insc. from his brother George, 1828. | Boyes, George -- Pres. insc. to his brother James, 1828. | Lewis and Hamblin -- Printer. | Phillips, R. (Richard), Sir, 1767-1840 -- Publisher. | London (England) -- Guidebooks.