Yale Center for British Art

Imperial co-histories : national identities and the British and colonial press / edited by Julie F. Codell.
Published / Created:
Madison, N.J. : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press ; c2003.

London ; Associated University Presses c2003.

Cranbury, NJ : Associated University Presses c2003.
Physical Description:
328 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Reference Library
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Includes bibliographical references (p. 303-324) and index.
Imperial co-histories and the British and colonial press / Julie F. Codell -- Scripting South Asia's visual past : the Journal of Indian Art and Industry and the production of knowledge in the late nineteenth century / Deepali Dewan -- An imagined world : the Imperial Gazetteer / Michael Hancher -- "The software of empire": telegraphic news agencies and imperial publicity, 1865-1914 / Alex Nalbach -- Imperial self-representation : constructions of empire in Blackwood's Magazine, 1880-1900 / David Finkelstein -- Selling the mother country to the empire : the imperial press conference of June 1909 / J. Lee Thompson -- Constructing South Africa in the British press, 1890-92 : the Pall Mall Gazette, the Daily Graphic, and the Times / Dorothy O. Helly and Helen Callaway -- Objects and the press : images of China in nineteenth-century Bitain / Catherine Pagani -- "True Englishwomen" and "Anglo-Indians" : gender, national identity, and feminism in the Victorian women's periodical press / Denise P. Quirk -- The empire writes back : native informant discourse in the Victorian press / Julie F. Codell -- History by installment : the Australian centenary and the picturesque atlas of Australasia, 1886-1888 / Tony Hughes-d'Aeth -- Welsh missionary journalism in India, 1880-1947 / Aled Jones -- "There is nothing more poetical than war" : romanticism, Orientalism, and militarism in J.W. Kaye's narratives of the conquest of India /
Subject Terms:
Great Britain -- Colonies -- Press coverage. | British -- Foreign countries -- Press coverage. | Great Britain -- Colonies -- History -- 19th century. | National characteristics, British -- Press coverage. | Imperialism -- Press coverage.
Codell, Julie F.