Yale Center for British Art

Smith, John, fl. 1673-1680.
The art of painting in oil : wherein is included each particular circumstance relating to that art and mystery ... : the whole treatise being so complete and so exactly fitted to the meanest capacity ... : in which are also particularly laid down all the several circumstances required in painting of sun-dials, printed pictures, sash-windows, &c. in oil colours / by John Smith.
Alternate Title(s):
Whole art and mystery of colouring maps, and other prints, with water colours.
9th edition, revised and corrected, to which is added, The whole art and mystery of colouring maps, and other prints, with water colours.
Published / Created:
London : Printed for J. Bew, 1788.
Physical Description:
112 p., [1] leaf : front. ; 18 cm.
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Frontispiece by Foot.
Subject Terms:
Painting, Industrial. | Painting -- Technique. | Watercolor painting -- Technique. | Bew, J. -- Publisher. | Smith, S. -- Autograph. | Engraving -- Specimens -- 1788.
Foot, Thomas, fl. 1788-1799.