The history of the Old Testament : extracted out of sacred Scripture and writings of the fathers... / translated from the works of ... le sieur de Royaumont by Mr. John Coughen ... and supervised by Dr. Anthony Horneck, and other orthodox divines.
Alternate Title(s):
Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament. English.
Published / Created:
London, Printed by Samuel Roycroft, for Richard Blome ..., 1688-1690.
Physical Description:
2 v. : ill., maps ; 46 cm.
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Plates engraved by Peter Paul Bouche, Johannes Kip, Frederick Hendrick Van den Hove, Michael Van der Gucht, Richard Palmer, Leonard Burnford, L. Masson, P. Mason and Paul van Somer; after G. Freman and Bernard Lens.
Subject Terms:
Roycroft, Samuel -- Printer. | Bible -- History of Biblical events. | Bible -- Illustrations.
Engravings -- 1688-1690.
Coughen, John. | Horneck, Anthony, 1641-1697. | Bouche, Peter Paul, b. ca. 1646, engraver. | Kip, Johannes, 1653-1722, engraver. | Van den Hove, Frederick Hendrick, approximately 1628-1698, engraver. | Gucht, Michael van der, 1660-1725, engraver. | Palmer, Richard, active 1680-1700, engraver. | Burnford, Leonard, 1681-1715, engraver. | Masson, L., engraver. | Masson, P., engraver. | Somer, Paul van, 1576-1621, engraver. | Freman, G., ill. | Lens, Bernard, 1659-1725, ill. | Blome, Richard, 1635-1705, publisher.