La circulation des œuvres d'art = The circulation of works of art in the revolutionary era, 1789-1848. / sous la direction de Roberta Panzanelli et Monica Preti-Hamard.
Alternate Title(s):
Circulation of works of art in the revolutionary era, 1789-1848
Published / Created:
Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes ; [2007]Paris : Institut national d'histoire de l'art ; [2007]Los Angeles : Getty research institute, [2007]
Physical Description:
362 p. : ill., facsims., ports. ; 25 cm.
Reference Library
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Proceedings of a congress held in Paris at the Institut national d'histoire de l'art, December, 2004.
The fate of the Palace Royal collection: 1791-1800 / Inge Reist.--Expand the audience, increase the profits: motivations behind the private contract sale / Julia Armstrong-Totten.--The Orléans collection and its impact on British art / David Bindman.--"Like the leaves of the Sybil": The Orléans collection and the debate on a national gallery in Great Britain / Donata Levi.--Conquêtes et consécrations, Paris-Berlin 1815 / Bénédicte Savoy.--Rubens in America: the role of an exiled art collection in the creation of a Belgian cultural consciousness, 1794-1816 / Jacqueline Letzter.--Counts Czernin von Chudenitz and Lamberg-Sprinzenstein, two illustrious Vienese collection : notes for new research / Roswitha Juffinger.--I patrioti e le Belle Arte. La politica dei governi rivoluzionari italiani de 1848-1849 nei riguardi del patrimonio storico-artistico / Roberto Balzani.--Memory of violence : movement and redistribution of works of art in post-unification Italy / Simona Troilo.--I ruderi come reliquie nel processo di musealizzazione del Foro Romano: le molteplici ricezioni di un luogo recuperato al pubblico godimento, 1802-1842 / Orietta Rossi Pinelli.--Les missions archéologiques françaises en Grêce et an mineure sous la Monarchie de juillet / Anne-Doris Meyer.--New out of old: the circulation and recycling of ancien régime furnitute on the London art market, 1789-1848 / Carolyn Sargentson.--The cult of the catalogue: representing the Fonthill, Stowe, and Hamilton Place collections / Malcolm Baker.--Two symbols of French taste and power come to America / Margaret K. Hofer and Roberta J.M. Olson.--Les voies de l'art: la présence de la peinture française en allemagne de 1789 à 1848. De l'antipode symbolique à la valeur marchande / France Nerlich.--La révolution française et le renouveau de la peinture d'histoire au Bas-Canada. Le fonds de tableaux des jardins / Laurier Lacroix.--Les artistes français au Brésil au XIX siecle: L'Académie des Beaux-Arts et la formation de la Collection Nationale de Peintures de Rio de Janeiro / Elaine Dias.
Subject Terms:
France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 -- Art and the revolution -- Congresses. | Art -- France -- 19th century -- Congresses.
Institut national d'histoire de l'art (France) | Panzanelli, Roberta. | Preti, Monica.