The Land without Music - Satirizing Song in Eighteenth-Century England (The Lewis Walpole Library, 2017-03-01 - 2017-09-01)Art and Music in Britain: Four Encounters, 1730-1900 (Yale Center for British Art, 2006-10-05 - 2006-12-31)British Comic Art 1730 - 1830 (Museum of Art and Archaelogy, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1988-10-14 - 1988-12-04)English Caricature - 1620 to the Present (The Library of Congress, 1984-11-13 - 1985-02-26)English Caricature - 1620 to the Present (National Gallery of Canada, 1985-02-26 - 1985-05-10)English Caricature - 1620 to the Present (Yale Center for British Art, 1985-09-01 - 1985-11-13)English Caricature - 1620 to the Present (Victoria and Albert Museum, 1985-06-04 - 1985-09-05)The Drawings of Edward Francis Burney (The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, 1982-11-16 - 1983-02-01)The Pursuit of Happiness - A View of Life in Georgian England (Yale Center for British Art, 1977-04-19 - 1977-09-18)
Timothy J. Barringer, Art & music in Britain : four encounters, 1730-1900, , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, 2006, pp. 16, 20-21, V 1699 (YCBA)Timothy J. Barringer, Art & music in Britain, four encounters, 1730-1900 (exhibition and label text) , New Haven, 2006, [p. 3], V 1699:1 (YCBA)Richard T. Godfrey, English caricature, 1620 to the present : caricaturists and satirists, their art, their purpose and influence, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1984, p. 103, no. 144, pl. XVII, NC1477 .G63 E54J. H. Plumb, The pursuit of happiness : a view of life in Georgian England : an exhibition selected from the Paul Mellon collection, , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, 1977, pp. 44, 94, no. 62, N6766 Y34 1977 (YCBA)Sotheby's sale catalogue : Fine eighteenth and nineteenth century English drawings and watercolours : 5 April 1973, Sotheby's, April 5, 1973, p. 14, lot 40b, pl. VIII, Auction Catalogues (YCBA)The land without music : satirizing music in eighteenth-century England, Yale University Library, New Haven, 2017, pp. 9-10, 17, Vertical File V2773 (YCBA)