Print made by Robert Thew, 1758–1802, Britishafter James Northcote, 1746–1831, British
First Part of King Henry the sixth: Keep, My Lord ... (Act II, Scene 5)
Materials & Techniques:
Stipple engraving, etching, and aquatint on medium, slightly textured, cream wove paper
Sheet: 25 1/2 × 18 3/8 inches (64.8 × 46.7 cm)
Lettered below image, lower left: "Keep. My lord, your loving nephew now is come. | Mort. Richard Plantagenet, my friend? is he come?"; lower center: "SHAKSPEARE. | Firft Part of | King Henry 6th. | ACT II. SCENE V. | Publifh'd Decr. 24, 1793, by John & Josiah Boydell, at the Shakfpeare Gallery Pall Mall, & No.90 Cheapfide."; lower right: "Plant. Ay, noble uncle, thus ignobly us'd, | Your nephew, late-despised Rochard, comes."; lower right: "Engrav'd by R. Thew. | Hiftl. Engr. to the P. of Wales."
Credit Line:
Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection