Screen print on 400gsm Somerset Satin white wove paper
Sheet: 35 × 29 inches (88.9 × 73.7 cm)
Lettered upper left to lower right: "A store-house stare-house store for | staring at stored art. All art is | installed in store for purposes of | advanced staring, gazing, glancing, | glimpsing, grasping and gasping. | Conveyed concepts, constructions, | concrete concrete poetry, paintings, | prints, conveyed on conveyors on | multileveled art-park/carpark situa- | tion, situations, high level - low level, | mezzanine view, view corrected perspectives, sensitive site | specifics and moving installed instal- | lations; a quick Ellsworth Kelly, a medium paced Penck, a slow | Rothko, a still Mondiran, some dif- | ficult Judds and an early Van Gogh."; lettered extensively with printed handwritten notes