Francesco Bartolozzi, 1728–1815, Italian, active in Britain (1764–99)after William Hamilton, 1751–1801, British
The Transparency Picture at the Bank of England
Materials & Techniques:
Stipple engraving and line engraving
Lettered, upper center: "GEORGIUS IIID.G.MAGN.BRIT.FR.ET HIB. REX | REDE.UNT SATURNIA REGNA"; lettered, lower left: "Wm Hamilton R.A. pinxt."; lettered, lower right: "P.W.Tomkins sculpt. late pupil of F. Bartolozzi R.A."; lettered, lower center: "To the Honorable THE GOVERNOR, DEPUTY GOVENOR and DIRECTORS of the Bank of England, | This Print from the Transparent painting exhibited on the 24th, of April 1789, | in the FRONT of the BANK in celebration of His Majesty's Complete Recovery & Public Visit to ST. PAULS CATHEDRAL, | is by permission most humbly dedicated by their most obedient and devoted servants Wm. Hamilton & P.W. Tomkins | Allegory- Center Figure Represents the City of London with Sword of State and City Charita Boy on the Right, Commerce, Supporting the City of Arms- | Boy on the Left, Liberality, Britannia on a Triumphant Carr Conducted by Hygiaea, Goddess of health, Peace & Plenty Coming Hand in Hand from Heaven to pour for their | Blessings into the Lap of Britannia- Medalian Geo.III. Trumpet of Same branching forth Honor and Peace, Frieze Lyon, the Earth of Britain, Bos, Genu of Cultivation; | Supporting the Rich Produce of their Labor by Agriculture. | London Published as the Act directs April 23 1790 by J.F. Tomkins No.18 New Bond St."
Credit Line:
Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection