British Tars Towing the Danish Fleet into Harbour; The Broad Bottom Leviathan Trying to Swamp Billy's Old Boat; and the Little Corsican Tottering on the Clouds of Ambition
Materials & Techniques:
Etching on medium, slightly textured, cream wove paper
Sheet: 11 × 14 7/8 inches (27.9 × 37.8 cm)
Lettered above image: "Publish'd Oct'r 1st, 1807 by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street."; lettered inside image: "COPENHAGEN | POLAND | GERMANY | PRUSSIA | ITALY | HOLLAND | Projet | pour | subjuges | la Mer. | Rule Britannia! Britannia Rules the Waves! | Sheerness | Harbour | The Good Old | Royal George | DETRACTION | OPPOSITION CLAMOUR | ENVY | the BILLY PITT"; lettered below image: "J's Gillray inv & fec't | British Tars towing the Danish Fleet into Harbour: the Broadbottom Leviathan trying to swamp Billy's old Boat, & the little Corsican tottering on the Clouds of Ambitions"
Credit Line:
Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
Copyright Status:
Public Domain
Accession Number:
Prints and Drawings
Currently On View:
Not on view
British Museum, Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum, 11 volumes in 12, British Museum Publications, London, no. 10762, NE55 G7 L63 A52 1978 (YCBA)