Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
Copyright Status:
Public Domain
Accession Number:
Paintings and Sculpture
Subject Terms:
fog | unfinished | hills | reflection | landscape | lake | texture | mountains | pier
Associated Places:
Argyll and Bute | Scotland | United Kingdom | Fyne, Loch
Currently On View:
On view at the Yale University Art Gallery
Exhibition History:
YUAG European Galleries (Yale University Art Gallery, 2023-12-01 - 2025-01-15)In a New Light: Paintings from the Yale Center for British Art (Yale University Art Gallery, 2023-03-24 - 2023-12-03)Impression,soleil levant (National Gallery of Australia, 2019-06-06 - 2019-08-18)The Critique of Reason : Romantic Art, 1760–1860 (Yale University Art Gallery, 2015-03-06 - 2015-07-26)Turner, Monet, Twombly (Moderna Museet, 2011-10-08 - 2012-01-15)Turner, Monet, Twombly (Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, 2012-02-11 - 2012-05-28)This Other Eden : British Paintings from the Paul Mellon Collection at Yale (Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998-05-01 - 1998-07-05)This Other Eden : British Paintings from the Paul Mellon Collection at Yale (Queensland Art Gallery, 1998-07-15 - 1998-09-06)This Other Eden : British Paintings from the Paul Mellon Collection at Yale (Art Gallery of South Australia, 1998-09-16 - 1998-11-15)Turner 1996 (National Gallery of Australia, 1996-03-17 - 1996-06-10)Turner 1996 (National Gallery of Victoria, 1996-06-23 - 1996-09-09)British Landscape Exhibition (Japan) (Isetan Museum of Art, 1992-09-17 - 1992-10-20)British Landscape Exhibition (Japan) (Daimaru Museum of Art, 1993-03-10 - 1993-03-29)British Landscape Exhibition (Japan) (Ohita Prefectural Art Hall, 1992-10-24 - 1992-11-15)British Landscape Exhibition (Japan) (Koriyama City Museum of Art, 1992-11-21 - 1993-01-17)British Landscape Exhibition (Japan) (Hiroshima Museum of Art, 1993-01-23 - 1993-03-07)British Landscape Exhibition (Japan) (Mie Prefectural Art Museum, 1993-04-10 - 1993-05-09)English Romanticism (Center Gallery, Bucknell University, 1990-02-24 - 1990-04-08)Fairest Isle - The Appreciation of British Scenery 1750-1850 (Yale Center for British Art, 1989-04-12 - 1989-06-25)William Wordsworth and the Age of English Romanticism (Indiana University Art Museum, 1988-01-27 - 1988-03-06)William Wordsworth and the Age of English Romanticism (Chicago Historical Society, 1988-04-06 - 1988-06-05)William Wordsworth and the Age of English Romanticism (New York Public Library, 1987-10-31 - 1988-01-02)British Painting and the European Continent (Haus der Kunst Munich, 1979-11-20 - 1980-01-27)Romance and Reality (Wildenstein) (Wildenstein & Company, Inc., 1978-09-22 - 1978-12-07)J. M. W. Turner - A Selection of Paintings from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon (National Gallery of Art, 1968-10-31 - 1969-04-21)Painting in England 1700-1850 - From The Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon (Yale University Art Gallery, 1965-04-15 - 1965-06-20)
A Great Collection of British Pictures in Virginia, The Times (London), , May 1, 1963, p. 5, Times Digital ArchiveSir Walter Armstrong, Turner, Thos. Agnew and Sons Ltd., London, 1902, p. 225, Folio A N 11 (YCBA)John Baskett, Painting in England: 1700-1850: the Collection of English paintings formed by Mr and Mrs Paul Mellon : on Exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, until August 18th, , Connoisseur, Vol. 153, London, June 1963, p. 101, N1 C75 + (YCBA)Martin Butlin, The paintings of J.M.W. Turner, The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, New Haven, 1984, p. 304..., no. 519, pl. 521, NJ18 T85 B885 1984 OVERSIZE (YCBA)Malcolm Cormack, Concise Catalogue of Paintings in the Yale Center for British Art, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 1985, pp. 228-229, N590.2 A83 (YCBA)Megan Cullen, Fairest isle : the appreciation of British scenery, 1750-1850 : [exhibition] label copy. Yale Center for British Art, April 12-June 25, 1989., , Yale Center for British Art, [New Haven, 1989, p. 67, no. 151, ND1354.4 F351 1989 (YCBA)Exhibition of works by the old masters and by deceased masters of the British School including a collection illustrating the Sculptor-Goldsmith's Art chiefly of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, Winter Exhibition 26th Year, Royal Academy of Arts, 1895, p. 10, no. 25, Fiche B131 (YCBA) Also available on line : Royal Academy Collectionc Serach websiteGillian Forrester, Turner's 'Drawing Book', the Liber studiorum, Tate Publishing, London, 1996, p. 94, no. 35, NJ18 T85 F651 1996 (YCBA)John Gage, Zwei Jahrhunderte englische Malerei, britische Kunst und Europa 1680 bis 1880 : [Ausstellung] Haus der Kunst Mèunchen, 21. November 1979 bis 27. Januar 1980: [Katalog] , Ausstellungsleitung Haus der Kunst Mèunchen, Mèunchen, 1979, pp. 368-70, no. 223, fig. 223, ND466 Z85 (YCBA)Marco Goldin, Turner e gli impressionisti, la grande storia del paesaggio moderno in Europa , Linea d'ombra srl, Conegliano [Italy], 2006, p. 197, ND192.I4 T87 2006 + (YCBA)J.M.W. Turner : a selection of paintings from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon., Exhibition held Oct. 31, 1968-Apr. 21, 1969 in the National Gallery of Art , National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1968, pp. 14, 29, no. 14, fig. 14, NJ18 T85 U5 (YCBA)Jeremy Lewison, Turner, Monet, Twombly, later paintings , Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 2011, pp. 67, 117, cat. no. 17, NJ18.T85 L53 2011 Oversize (YCBA)Michael Lloyd, Turner, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, 1996, pp. 200, 232, no. 32, NJ18 T85 L57 1996 + (YCBA)Julia Marciari-Alexander, This other Eden : Paintings from the Yale Center for British Art, , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 1998, p. 12, p. 152, no. 62, fig. 12, ND1314.3 Y36 1998 (YCBA)John McDonald, A Feast of Mellon, Sydney Morning Herald, May 9, 1998, p. 14, Film An Sy25 (SML) Also Available Online (Factiva database)Painting in England 1700-1850 : collection of Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mellon : Exhibition at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, , 1,2, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA, 1963, p. 92 (v.1), no. 137, pl. 193, ND466 V57 v.1-2 (YCBA)Painting in England 1700-1850 from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, The Royal Academy of Arts Winter Exhibition 1964-65., , Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK, 1964, p. 46 (v.1), no. 169, ND466 R68 1964/65 (YCBA)Paul Mellon's Legacy : a passion for British art [large print labels], , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 2007, v.3, N5220 M552 P381 2007 OVERSIZE (YCBA)Duncan Robinson, Fairest isle : the appreciation of British scenery, 1750-1850, , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, 1989, p. 19, no. 151, ND1354.4 F35 (YCBA)Eric Shanes, The life and masterworks of J.M.W. Turner, Parkstone Press, New York, 2008, p. 237, NJ18 T85 S441 2008 + OVERSIZE (YCBA)Eric Shanes, True Subject of a Major Late Painting by J.M.W. Turner Identified, Burlington Magazine, vol. 126,no.974, May 1984, pp. 284-288, N1 B87 + (YCBA)Eric Shanes, Turner, the great watercolours , Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2000, pp. 24, 25, fig. 10, NJ18 T85 S446 2000 (YCBA)Sam Smiles, The late works of J. M. W. Turner : the artist and his critics, The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, London, p. 205, fig. 125, NJ18.t85 S655 2020 Oversize (YCBA)Joyce H. Townsend, How Turner Painted: Materials & Techniques, Thames & Hudson, London, p. 6 (detail), p. 31, NJ18.T85 T642 2019 (LC) (YCBA)Andrew Wilton, The life and work of J.M.W. Turner, Academy Editions, London, 1979, p. 294, No. P579, NJ18 T85 +W577 OVERSIZE (YCBA)Jonathan Wordsworth, British romantic art, Center Gallery, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, 1990, p. 33, NX543 B74 1990 OVERSIZE (YCBA)Jonathan Wordsworth, William Wordsworth and the age of English romanticism, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick Grasmere, UK, 1987, pp. 125, 234, no. 293, fig. 114, PR5885 W67 1987 (YCBA)Yale University Art Gallery, Painting in England, 1700-1850, from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon : [exhibition at] Yale University Art Gallery, April 15-June 20, 1965, , vol. 1, W. Clowes and sons, New Haven, 1965, p. 53 (v.1), no. 197, ND466 Y35 (YCBA)
Gallery Label:
This unfinished painting belongs to the last phase of J. M. W. Turner’s career, an experimental period where he reworked earlier compositions in the process of exploring new approaches to color. The landscape is derived from a mezzotint of Loch Fyne in the Scottish Highlands, which Turner had published thirty years earlier in his Liber Studiorum (1809–11), a set of prints cataloguing his landscapes. Inverary Pier is one of a number of paintings of the early 1840s that developed themes from the Liber Studiorum but which never left his notoriously slovenly studio. All of them are unfinished and share affinities with Turner’s late watercolors. Often, as here, they challenged conventional ways of composing pictures by pushing warm colors into the middle grounds and even backgrounds, thereby rejecting traditional aerial perspective. This picture was probably removed from Turner’s studio and sold after his death by his mistress, Sophia Booth. Gallery label for installation of YCBA collection, 2022