Yale Center for British Art

James Ward, 1769–1859, British
The Day's Sport
Materials & Techniques:
Oil on canvas
39 1/2 x 51 1/4 inches (100.3 x 130.2 cm)
Signed and dated, lower right: "JWARD R.A. 1826"
Credit Line:
Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
Copyright Status:
Public Domain
Accession Number:
Paintings and Sculpture
Subject Terms:
duck | pheasants | rabbit | swan | donkey | snow | winter | hunters | girls | men | gamekeepers | hunting | hills | costume | fence | sea | children | guns | landscape | sporting art | dogs (animals) | birds
Currently On View:
Not on view
Exhibition History:
James Ward (Yale Center for British Art, 2004-05-21 - 2004-08-22)

This Other Eden : British Paintings from the Paul Mellon Collection at Yale (Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998-05-01 - 1998-07-05)

This Other Eden : British Paintings from the Paul Mellon Collection at Yale (Queensland Art Gallery, 1998-07-15 - 1998-09-06)

This Other Eden : British Paintings from the Paul Mellon Collection at Yale (Art Gallery of South Australia, 1998-09-16 - 1998-11-15)

Painting in England 1700-1850 - From The Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon (Yale University Art Gallery, 1965-04-15 - 1965-06-20)
Oliver Beckett, The life and work of James Ward, R.A., 1769-1859, the forgotten genius , Book Guild, Lewes (England), 1995, p. 191, no. 65, col. pl. 16, NJ18 W21 B42 1995 (YCBA)

Robert Colls, This sporting life : sport and liberty in England, 1760-1960, Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K., 2020, p. 372, GV706.35 .C65 2020 (LC) YCBA

Malcolm Cormack, Concise Catalogue of Paintings in the Yale Center for British Art, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 1985, pp. 236, 237, N590.2 A83 (YCBA)

Judy Egerton, British Sporting and Animal Paintings 1655-1867 : A Catalogue : The Paul Mellon Collection, , Tate Publishing, London, 1978, pp. 218-19, no. 234, pl. 78, ND1383 G7 B75 OVERSIZE (YCBA)

C. Reginald Grundy, James Ward R.A., his life and works, with a catalogue of his engravings and pictures , Otto limited, London, 1909, no. 809, NJ18 W21 G7+ OVERSIZE (YCBA)

Julia Marciari-Alexander, This other Eden : Paintings from the Yale Center for British Art, , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 1998, p. 126, no. 50, ND1314.3 Y36 1998 (YCBA)

Edward John Nygren, James Ward, RA (1769-1859) : Papers and Patrons, Volume of the Walpole Society, vol. 75, 2013, pp. 339-40, no. 377, PL. XLIX, N12 W35 +A1Oversize (YCBA)

Painting in England 1700-1850 : collection of Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mellon : Exhibition at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, , 1,2, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA, 1963, p. 186 (v.1), no. 355, pl. 199 (v.2), ND466 V57 v.1-2 (YCBA)

Painting in England 1700-1850 from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, The Royal Academy of Arts Winter Exhibition 1964-65., , Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK, 1964, p. 81 (v.1), no. 287, pl. 68, ND466 R68 1964/65 (YCBA)

Paul Mellon's Legacy : a passion for British art [large print labels], , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 2007, v. 3, N5220 M552 P381 2007 OVERSIZE (YCBA)

Sotheby's sale catalogue : Catalogue of fine paintings and drawings of the English school : 30 November 1960, Sotheby's, London, November 30, 1960, p. 37, lot 148, Auction catalogues (YCBA)

The Yale Center for British Art, An Anniversary Celebration of Paul Mellon's Great Legacy , Apollo, April 2007, pp. 60-61, fig. 1, N5220 M552 A7 OVERSIZE (YCBA) Appeared as April 2007 issue of Apollo;; all of the articles may also be found in bound Apollo Volume [N1 A54 165:2 +]

Angus Trumble, Diversions of the Field, Apollo, v. 165, no. 542, April 2007, pp. 60-61,67, fig. 1, N1 A54 + (YCBA)

Yale University Art Gallery, Painting in England, 1700-1850, from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon : [exhibition at] Yale University Art Gallery, April 15-June 20, 1965, , vol. 1, W. Clowes and sons, New Haven, 1965, pp. 57 (v.1), 68, no. 213, pl. 68, ND466 Y35 (YCBA)
Gallery Label:
This complex painting partly belongs to the tradition of seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish game pieces by Frans Snyders, Jan Weenix, and others, in which the "bag," the spoils of a day's shooting, stands for the bounty of nature. Much in the painting, particularly the handling of trees, reflects James Ward's love of Snyders and Rubens. But the wintry subject also appears to have offered Ward other possibilities and themes arising from his evangelical Anglicanism. He was much more inclined to deplore the indiscriminate shooting of birds and animals in the English countryside than to relish it. The Day's Sport, with a mountainous array of dead game, including the inert, bloodied swan, forms a kind of Noah's Ark in reverse: a critique of the insensitivity, cruelty, and indifference of man the hunter, versus the sympathetic feelings of innocent children. The seasonal associations with Christmas also strengthen the moralizing flavor of the work. Gallery label for Paul Mellon's Legacy: A Passion for British Art (Yale Center for British Art, 2007-04-18 - 2007-07-29)