Rowlandson Drawings from the Paul Mellon Collection (Yale Center for British Art, 1977-11-16 - 1978-01-15)Rowlandson Drawings from the Paul Mellon Collection (Royal Academy of Arts, 1978-03-04 - 1978-05-28)
British Art at Yale, Apollo, v.105, April 1977, pp. 282, 284, fig. 21, N1 .A54 + OVERSIZE (YCBA)Kathryn James, English Paleography and Manuscript Culture, 1500-1800, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, New Haven, p. 70, fig. 82, Z115.E5 J36 2020+ (YCBA)Miles Ogborn, Global lives, Britain and the world, 1550-1800 , 41, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK New York, 2008, p. 136, fig. 5.6, DA16 .O33 2008 (YCBA)Simon Schama, Rowlandson in the Round, TLS, the Times Literary Supplement, Issue no. 3963, March 10, 1978, p. 282, Film S748 (SML) Also available Online in TLS Historical Archive (ORBIS)The Cunning Eye of Thomas Rowlandson, Apollo, vol.105, no. 182, April 1977, pp. 282, 284, fig. 21, N1 A54 05:2 + (YCBA) Also available: N5220 M552 A7 1977 + (YCBA)