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- A catalogue of a most valuable and unique collection of ancient stained glass, comprising noble altar pieces, windows for churches, collegiate buildings, & Gothic country residences : also many exquisite cabinet pieces, of the finest colouring and richest enamel : purchased on the continent : besides various grand and fine subjects, which compose this collection, is a magnificent window, 17 feet high from the Great Church at Rouen, representing the Last Judgment : the composition of the sublimest cast : the figures numerous and elaborately finished, and the colours most richly splendid and varied : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room, in Pall Mall, London, on Thursday, May 18, and following day : the collection to be viewed on Thursday the eleventh, & till the sale
- [1809]

- Catalogue of a highly important assemblage of modern pictures, water=colour drawings, from different private sources ; including the collection of that well-known connoisseur, Thomas Agnew, esq., deceased, removed from his late residence, Fair Hope, Eccles : which will be sold by auction, by Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods, at their Great Rooms, 8, King Street, St. James's Square, on Saturday, May 6, 1871, at one o'clock precisely
- [1871]

- Catalogue of valuable household furniture, plate, linen, china, glass, and paintings, &c., to be sold by auction, at Mainsforth Hall, the seat of the late R. Surtees, Esq., by Mr. Walker, on Monday, the 12th of December, 1836, and four following days : the sale will commence each day at eleven o'clock precisely ...
- [1836]

- A catalogue of a truly valuable collection of Italian, Flemish, & Dutch pictures : containing superb specimens, in fine preservation, of the following distinguished painters : D. Volterra, S. Del Piombo, A. Del Sarto, G. Poussin, Guercino, P. Da Cortona, Rubens, Snyders, Jordaens Van Dyck, Lingelbach, Orizzonte, Rembrandt, Ferd. Bol., Hondekoeter, Honthorst, Both, Backhuysen, Ruysdael, Albert Cuyp, Teniers, Wouwermans, Mignon, Ferg, and numerous others of great celebrity : the genuine property of a nobleman, in whose family they have been for the greater part of a century, and who parts from them in consequence of having disposed of his town mansion : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Stanley, at his rooms, 21, Old Bond Street, on Thursday the 13th of May, 1830, at twelve o'clock : may be viewed two days preceding, and catalogues, at one shilling each, had at the rooms
- [1830]

- A catalogue of the very interesting and valuable collection of ancient cabinet pictures, selected with judgment and great liberality from the Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Flemish and French Schools, by T. A. Pateshall, Esq. and removed from his late residence, Soho Square, having retired into the country from severe indisposition
- [1843]

- A catalogue of the valuable and extensive collection of loose prints & etchings, by old Masters : being the entire collection (the Artist's Prints only excepted) of the late John Hoppner, Esq. R.A. Deceased : together with the Mahogany and other presses which contained them : also a valuable assemblage of about seventy original chalk drawings and landscapes, by that distinguished artist, and a few framed and glazed, by Gainsborough, J. Smith, and Daniell : and about twenty capital pictures, viz : the original portrait of Sir Theo. Mayern, by Rubens, from the Lansdown Collection : and others by Titian, Giorgeone, Tintoretto, P. Veronese, V. Dyck, F. Hals, Sir Joshua Reynolds, and Wilson : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room, Pall Mall, on Friday the 18th of May, 1810, and following day, punctually at one o'clock
- [1810]

- Catalogue of a valuable assemblage of ancient & modern pictures, from different private collections, including twenty pictures and drawings from the collection of the late Sir William Tite, M.P., thirty pictures from the collection of the late General Fox ; also, splendid works of Sir J. Reynolds, Gainsborough ..
- [1874]

- Catalogue of provincial & other coins, which will be sold by auction, by Mr. King, Jun. at his rooms in Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, London : on Thursday the 10th of September, 1801, and the two following days (the sale to begin at twelve o'clock) : unless previously disposed of by private contract, of which notice will be given : to be viewed on Wednesday the 9th of Semptember
- [1801]