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Subject Terms Painting, European -- Catalogs.
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- A catalogue of the genuine and capital collection of pictures, by the most celebrated masters, of that late great and learned physician, Doctor Richard Mead, deceased : which (by order of the executors) will be sold by auction, by Mr. Langford, at his house in the Great Piazza, Covent-Garden, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, the 20th, 21st, and 22d of this instant March 1754 : the said collection will be exhibited to publick view from Monday the 18th instant, till the time of sale, which will begin punctually each day at twelve-o'clock : catalogues of which may be had gratis, at Mr. Langford's in the Great Piazza aforesaid : conditions of sale as usual
- [1754]

- A catalogue of the capital, genuine, and valuable collection of pictures, late the property of that eminently distinguished artist Sir Joshua Reynolds, Late President of the Royal Academy, decd : comprising the undoubted works of the greatest masters of the Roman, Florentine, Bolognese, Venetian, French, Flemish, and Dutch schools, in the most perfect state of preservation : the whole of which will be sold by auction (by order of the executors) by Mr. Christie, on Wednesday 11th, and Thursday 12th of March, 1795, at his Rooms (late the Royal Academy) Pall Mall : and on Friday 13th, and Saturday 14 of March, 1795, at his Great Room (next Cumberland House) Pall Mall
- [1795]

- A catalogue of a valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish & Dutch pictures, a few drawings and prints, framed and glazed : the property of a Gentleman, deceased : brought from his seat in the country : comprising the works of P. Veronese, Tintoretto, Giorgione, Bassan, Caracci, Dominichino, Albano, Guercino, C. Maratti, Rubens, Vandyck, De Vox, Teniers, Vanderneer, Zucherelli, Wilson : also, two capital landscapes, by that esteemed Master, Casanova : which will be sold by Mr. Christie, at the Great Room, Pall Mall, on Friday, April 26, 1805, and following day, at twelve o'clock
- 1805

- A catalogue of a valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures, by the most esteemed ancient and modern masters : a capital large bronze figure of Neptune : a marble bust of the great Duke of Marlborough, &c. : the property of a Gentleman, gone to India : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room in Pall Mall, on Friday, December 8th, 1797, and following day, at twelve o'clock : to be viewed two days preceding the sale : and catalogues may be then had in Pall Mall, and at the Rainbow Coffee House
- [1797]
![Edward Foster (Firm), auctioneer, publisher. Catalogue of a collection of pictures, of the Italian, Flemish, and Dutch schools :the property of a gentleman, who, in the formation of this cabinet, has shewn how fully he is acquainted with the various Masters and Schools : including some exceedingly choice specimens of Correggio, Domenichino, J. Romano, Luini, Poussin, Jan Stein [Steen], Backhuysen, Ruysdael, G. Dow, Snyders, Rubens, A. Vandevelde, Patel, A. Maas, W. Vandevelde, Wright, Marlow, Hodges, Morland, Loutherbourg ; a magnificent picture of lions by Rubens ; a storm, W. Vandevelde ; landscape & sheep, A. Vandevelde ; continence of Scipio, Eckhout ; Achilles discovering his father's amour, & flight into Egypt, both by N. Poussin ; landscape by Karel du Jardin ; a beautiful landscape by Dietricy ; landscape by Moucheron, figures by A. Vandevelde ; Holy family by Paggi, &c. : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Edward Fosters, at his Gallery, 54, Pall Mall, on Friday, Nay 31, 1833, and following day, exactly at two o'clock.](/assets/not_available1-cc1bd2f8edc5bcb82cb88424295cf375a9258383b6c72f37ec36bb6c3fbb9020.png)
- Catalogue of a collection of pictures, of the Italian, Flemish, and Dutch schools :the property of a gentleman, who, in the formation of this cabinet, has shewn how fully he is acquainted with the various Masters and Schools : including some exceedingly choice specimens of Correggio, Domenichino, J. Romano, Luini, Poussin, Jan Stein [Steen], Backhuysen, Ruysdael, G. Dow, Snyders, Rubens, A. Vandevelde, Patel, A. Maas, W. Vandevelde, Wright, Marlow, Hodges, Morland, Loutherbourg ; a magnificent picture of lions by Rubens ; a storm, W. Vandevelde ; landscape & sheep, A. Vandevelde ; continence of Scipio, Eckhout ; Achilles discovering his father's amour, & flight into Egypt, both by N. Poussin ; landscape by Karel du Jardin ; a beautiful landscape by Dietricy ; landscape by Moucheron, figures by A. Vandevelde ; Holy family by Paggi, &c. : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Edward Fosters, at his Gallery, 54, Pall Mall, on Friday, Nay 31, 1833, and following day, exactly at two o'clock
- [1833]

- A catalogue of a capital and valuable collection of Italian, French, Flemish, and Dutch pictures, the property of a Nobleman, brought from his late mansion in Piccadilly :comprising the undoubted works of the following esteemed masters : Julia Romana, Permegiano, Perdononi, Bassan, L. Du Vinci, Langranco, Luca Giordano, Guido, Carlo Marratte, G. Poussin, Le Seure, Stella, Watteau, D. Teniers, Jean Steen, Backhuysem, Van de Velde, Ruysdael, Cup, Vandermeer, Glauber, Vangoyen, &c. &c. : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room in Pall Mall, on Friday, March the 7th, 1794, and the following day at twelve o'clock : to be viewed till the sale : catalogues may be had at the Rainbow, and in Pall Mall
- [1794] ,

- A catalogue of the genuine and intire stock of capital and valuable prints, drawings, and copper-plates, some of which have never been published : and a few pleasing cabinet pictures : the property of Mr. G. Bartolozzi, retiring from business : comprising an extensive assemblage of prints of the finest impressions : drawings by Cipriani and Bartolozzi : and amongst the plates, the celebrated one after the N. Poussin in the possession of the Marquis of Landsdown : a ditto after the four elements of Albano : and a capital engraving in strokes after the celebrated picture of the Madona Del Sacco, of A. Del Sarto, at Florence by Bartolozzi, lately finished, and which may be truly deemed the finest plate ever executed by that artist : which will be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, at his Great Room in Pall Mall, on Friday, June the 23d, 1797, at twelve o'clock : to be viewed till the sale : catalogues may be had at the Rainbow Coffee House, Cornhill : and in Pall Mall
- [1797]

- A catalogue of the important and highly estimable collection of gallery and cabinet pictures, of the highest class, and quality of art ; uniting the choicest specimens of the Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Flemish, British and French Schools : selected from serveral distinguished galleries in Holland, France and England : among them may be noticed A Virgin and Child, by Raphael ... : a Magdalen by Corregio ... : A landscape and a sea port, by Claude : the Assumption, by Murillo : a Landscape and Cattle, by Berghem : a splendid Fete du Village, and two corps de Garde, by D. Teniers : a grand landscape with a waterfall by Ruysdael : Our Saviour in the Storm, ... by Rembrandt : a fine Calm, by W. Vandevelde : noble portraits, by Rembrandt and Vandyck, &c. &c. : besides other equally meriting a distinct notice, by L. Da Vinci, Seb. Del Piombo, Titian, Carracci, Albano, A. Del Sarto, Sir Joshua Reynolds, N. and G. Poussin, Rubens, A. Vandevelde, Cuyp, J. Ostade, Rembrandt, Caneletti, Wouvermans, Both, Hommima, Teniers, De Koening, Wynants. Sir Thos. Lawrence, Vanderwerf, Dietricy, Weenix, Ferg, Ruysdael, Greuze, Wilson : and will be submitted, without reserve, by the order of Thomas Emmerson, esq., who is quitting London for the vicinity of Bath : which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Phillips, at his Rooms, 73, New Bond Street, on Friday, 6th of June, 1834, and following day, at one for two precisely
- [1834]